Dear parents/guardians,
Our school is certainly a hive of activities, events and learning at present as we move into the busy springtime period.
SNA Antoinette Mullen, who was a member of our staff for over 17 years, has retired. I’d like to sincerely thank her for her dedication and care throughout her years in Emo NS. We wish her a happy and healthy retirement.
Our congratulations to Noreen O’ Reilly who has been appointed to this vacancy.
Subject Inspection
We had a subject inspection in Visual Arts with inspectors Stephanie Ormond and Orla Sheeran on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th January.
Overall, the feedback was very positive, highlighting the quality and variety of teaching practices and learning experiences. There was praise for the quality of interactions between staff and children and for the ability of the children to answer questions and discuss their learning.
There were recommendations made around planning and assessment practices and the involvement of the local area and local artists.
We await publication of the report.
Féilire na Scoile chuig on Cháisc
Friday 14th March; Lá Glas
Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th March: St. Patrick’s Day holiday
Thursday March 27th @ 11am: Fr. Dooley will celebrate Confirmation for the boys and girls in 6th class. The service of light takes place on Tuesday March 25th @ 7:45pm.
Tuesday 8th April: First Confession @ 7pm.
Friday 11th April: The school will close for the Easter holidays on that day. Usual arrangements will apply. Junior and Senior infants, along with brothers and sisters, will leave the school at 12p.m. All other pupils at 12.30p.m.
Lá Glas agus Rock your Socks
Friday 14th March: Lá Glas
Lá Glas (green day) where children are encouraged to wear green into school on the day. The Parents Association will collect either €2 per child on the day or €5 per family. The Lá Glas will coincide with Seachtain na Gaeilge events that are planned at that time.
Friday 21st March: Rock Your Socks
Every year on March 21st, people all around the world come together to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day by wearing brightly coloured, mismatched socks. Why socks for Down Syndrome? Socks resemble a chromosome and people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome. We request that pupils bring a coin on the day to support Laois Down Syndrome Association. All funds raised in Laois stay in Laois, for the benefit of members here in Laois.
The attendance for this school year so far has been 94.7%. We recently enrolled 26 pupils for Junior Infants for next September. We will meet with new parents and children on Friday, 2nd May @ 1p.m here in the school.
VEX Robotics
We are very proud of our VEX Robotics team who were one of 3 teams representing Laois at the VEX Robotics National Finals in Cork on Thursday 27th February. The children had a fantastic experience competing on a national level and we congratulate them on all the time and effort they put in to designing, building and coding their robot.
VEX Team – Katie Moore, Dan Carroll, Sadhbh Ní Chomhraidhe, Tommy Murphy, Darragh Hyland, Paddy Lynch, Charlie Merriman, Seán Kiernan and Pierce Milner.
Cúrsaí Spóirt
Football coaching continues with Laois GDO Kevin Swayne on Tuesdays for children from Senior Infants – 4th class.
Hurling/camogie is ongoing for 3rd – 6th class and Cumann na mBunscol games commence today with games against Ratheniska.
4th, 5th & 6th class completed their block of swimming lessons over the last 2 months.
Mr Lynch’s class are currently completing their 2nd block of swimming. We are extremely grateful to our Parent’s Association who are covering the cost of the bus for these sessions.
Bluiríní; Snippets
- Gardaí, Aran Grehan and Ronan Maher, visited our 5th & 6th class children last month. They spoke to the children about behaviour in public, mobile phone safety and online safety.
- Pancake Tuesday: Míle buíochas to Ms. Casey and secondary school students Niamh Lalor and Neasa Keegan for their efforts in making pancakes for the school on the day.
- Author, Olive Mooney, visited our school yesterday to read for children from 3rd – 6th class. Her novels are available to purchase in the school.
- Our classes are busy preparing for a couch to 2k in conjunction with Laois Sports Partnership. This run will take place in school on Wednesday 9th April.
Kind regards,
Noel Costelloe