Dear Parents,
We are nearing the end of another busy term as we look forward to the brighter mornings and evenings next week. The children and teachers are very happy to be back in school and to meet all their friends again.
Féilire na Scoile: School Calendar
The school will close at 12.30p.m. on Friday 26th March for the Easter holidays. The usual arrangements will apply. Junior and seniors along with brothers and sisters will leave at 12p.m. The school re-opens on Monday 12th April.
Céad Faoistin agus Cóineartú ; First Confession and Confirmation
The children in 2nd and 3rd classes and their families attended a virtual penitential service on March 18th. It was live streamed from the Cathedral of the Assumption, Carlow and led by Bishop Denis Nulty. The aim of holding this was to ensure that the children are as well prepared as they can possibly be to celebrate the sacrament of First Reconciliation face to face with their local priest in their local church as soon as it is safe to do so. Dear RE Coordinator, I hope this email finds you well.
Likewise, our sixth class pupils will participate in a Diocesan Celebration for Confirmation Candidates that takes place on this Thursday, March 25th @ 12 noon.
This celebration will be led by Bishop Denis and is available to view on
Naíonán Shóisearacha; Junior Infants
We have enrolled 21 junior infants for next September. We hope to arrange to meet them and their parents in the last term.
Tástáil Phíolotach ; Pilot testing
We are facilitating a pilot Drumcondra assessment test with 3rd, 4th ,5th and 6th class pupils at the moment.
Cód Iompair : Code of Behaviour
We have reviewed our code of behaviour and we are piloting a new behaviour management system. This week and last week saw the introduction of the new code to pupils in 1st to 6th class. We are seeking their input and involvement in same. When we are happy with the layout we will forward the code of behaviour to parents for their approval and subsequently to the BOM.
Curaclam na Scoile ; School Curriculum
Our main emphasis in school at the moment is as follows:
- To ensure pupils have opportunities to socialise and
reconnect, in line with public health guidance.
- Create opportunities for pupils to talk and discuss, in
order to re-establish relationships and to support learning
across the curriculum
- Engage pupils in inquiry-based / hands-on learning
experiences to stimulate interest, motivate them to learn
and support positive learning outcomes.
In the last term, our teachers hope to bring pupils outdoors for engaging, creative and investigative learning opportunities. Our new Science plan lends itself to this type of school work. Our infant teachers will seek to do some of their Aistear activities outdoors.
Mr. Slevin has engaged the help of Laois Sports Partnership and cartographer Pat Healy to design maps for the school and its immediate surroundings. Pat will design orienteering courses that the children will be able to undertake in school. He has completed the mapping and the next phase will be plan the various courses. The teachers will attend some training in April and then we will introduce the boys and girls in the senior classes to maps, colours, orientation to North, measurement and scale.
Cuairteoirí : School visits
- Mary Dillon will complete a programme with 4th, 5th and 6th classes which supports the Relationships and Sexuality Education in the school. The programme is called In My Own Shoes.
- Cycling safety classes will resume for 4th class on tomorrow, Wednesday 24th March 2021.
- The attendance for the school is 95% and there are 53 children that have full attendance to date this year . Well done to them.
Siniú ,
Cyril Duggan, Príomhoide